Sociological Journal – Information Partner of the 25th Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (25th Yasin Conference). About the conference
ISSN 1562-2495 (print); 1684-1581 (online)
Publication frequency: quarterly. Founded in 1994.
Editor-in-Chief - Polina M. Kozyreva, Dr. Sci. (Soc.)
Indexation: Scopus, WoS RSCI, RSCI, VAK RF
Double blind peer review
Open Access
Our Journal’s goal is to develop fundamental sociology, to reproduce the international standards of sociological knowledge, the standards of professional community self-verification and also to participate in the process of renovation of Russian sociological education while sustaining professional communication in the social sciences, humanities and sociological education in Russia and abroad.
The Editorial Board of the ‘Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal’ operates in accordance with the norms and international standards set by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of conduct for journal editors Mar11.pdf).
The ‘Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal’ publishes articles on various social sciences and related disciplines such as social psychology, cultural studies, anthropology and ethnography. Interdisciplinary approach is welcomed and encouraged. The Journal is focused on fundamental research, theory, methodology and history of sociology. The results of mass surveys and monographs are highlighted in a regular column. The controversial issues of sociology are being discussed in ‘The Discussion’ rubric. The Journal publishes reviews, essays and reviews, as well as lists of new books in Russian and English languages which represent the main tendencies of interdisciplinary research in the social sciences.
The ‘Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal’ is distributed by subscription, mailed to the Russian university libraries and university departments of social sciences for free and also is available on the free market. The Journal is registered in the national bibliographic database Russian Science Citation Index on Web of Science (WoS RSCI), is abstracted and indexed in major international database: Scopus (Q2); ProQuest; European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).
The Journal’s goal is not only to reproduce the normative patterns of knowledge and the norms of professional self-examination, but also to improve them. Therefore the rules of selection of the new texts are very strict so only the best articles have chance to be published. Following these rules allows the ‘Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal’ to contribute in development of the social sciences.
Subscription index of the United Catalog ‘Russian Press’ — 86306