Неуловимый фэндом: проблемное поле зарубежных фан-исследований
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2. Лиджиева А.М. “Are you Koreans?” — “No, we are Kalmyks!”: развитие танцев “K-pop cover dance” среди молодежи Калмыкии // Oriental Studies. 2021. Т. 14. № 2. С. 337–346. DOI: 10.22162/2619-0990-2021-54-2-337-346 EDN: UATETD
3. Пейгина Л.В., Теплякова А.О. Демократизация процесса производства фанатских видео в контексте культурной логики позднего капитализма // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Культурология и искусствоведение. 2021. № 44. С. 93‒109. DOI: 10.17223/22220836/44/8 EDN: FXLBTM
4. Романенко К.Р. Трансформация канона, борьба с каноном, пересоздание канона как основания культуры фанфикшна // Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики. 2022. Т. 6. № 2. С. 168–188. DOI: 10.17323/2587-8719-2022-2-168-188 EDN: ACTYIY
5. Самутина Н.В. Японские комиксы манга в России: введение в проблематику чтения // Новое литературное обозрение. 2019. Т. 6. № 160. С. 307–321 [электронный ресурс]. Дата обращения 01.06.2024. URL: https://www.nlobooks.ru/magazines/novoe_literaturnoe_obozrenie/160_nlo_6_2019/article/21799/#_ftnref1
6. Скрипко Ю.К. Фреймы как структурообразующие единицы коллективной дискурсивной картины мира участника виртуального фан-сообщества // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2017. № 421. С. 29–35. DOI: 10.17223/15617793/421/4 EDN: ZHYYCR
7. Соколова Н.Л. Популярная культура Web 2.0. К картографии современного медиаландшафта. Самара: Изд-во «Самарский университет», 2009. — 204 с.
8. Тимошкин Д.О., Пчелкина Д.С., Самарин А.С., Хворостов В.В., Тамилин Р.В. Социальные медиа как механизм (вос)производства миграционных стратегий (на примере цифровых площадок русскоязычных мигрантов в Корее) // Социологический журнал. 2023. Том 29. № 2. С. 25–50. DOI: 10.19181/socjour.2023.29.2.2 EDN: CKREAB
9. A companion to media fandom and fan studies. Ed. by P. Booth. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2018. 584 p.
10. Allen P., Moon D.S. “Huge fan of the drama”: Politics as an object of fandom. Convergence. 2023. Vol. 29. No. 6. P. 1502–1516. DOI: 10.1177/13548565231203979 EDN: KVWKKM
11. Andrews P. CS. “Are Di would of loved it”: reanimating Princess Diana through dolls and AI. Celebrity Studies. 2022. Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 573–594. DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2022.2135087
12. Anti-fandom: Dislike and hate in the digital age. Ed. by M.A. Click. N.Y.: New York University Press, 2019. 352 p.
13. Athique A. Transnational audiences: Media reception on a global scale. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016. 224 p.
14. Bacon-Smith C. Enterprising women: Television fandom and the creation of popular myth. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. 352 p.
15. Bodet G., Kenyon J.A., Ferrand A. Appetite for or resistance to consumption relationships? A trans-European perspective on the marketisation of football fan relationships. Journal of Consumer Culture. 2018. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 317–335. DOI: 10.1177/1469540517747092
16. Booth P. Augmenting fan/academic dialogue: New directions in fan research. Journal of Fandom Studies. 2013. Vol. 1. No. 2. P. 119–137. DOI: 10.1386/jfs.1.2.119_1
17. Booth P. Digital fandom 2.0: New media studies. 2nd ed. N.Y.: Peter Lang, 2017. 284 p.
18. Bourdieu P. Distinction: a social critique of the judgment of taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984. 613 p.
19. Brooker W. Why Bowie matters. N.Y.: William Collins, Harper Collins Publishers, 2019. 240 p.
20. Brooker W., Duffett M., Hellekson K. Fannish identities and scholarly responsibilities: A Conversation. The Routledge companion to media fandom. Ed. by S. Scott, M.A. Click. L.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. P. 63–75. DOI: 10.4324/9781315637518-9
21. Busse K. The ethics of studying online fandom. The Routledge companion to media fandom. Ed. by S. Scott, M.A. Click. L.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. P. 9–18. DOI: 10.4324/9781315637518-3
22. Cavicchi D. Tramps Like us: Music and Meaning Among Springsteen Fans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. 222 p. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780195118339.001.0001
23. Chen L. Chinese fans of Japanese and Korean pop culture: Nationalistic narratives and international fandom. L.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. 194 p. DOI: 10.4324/9781315414737
24. Chew N. Tumblr as counterpublic space for fan mobilization. Transformative Works and Cultures. 2018. Vol. 27. DOI: 10.3983/twc.2018.1186
25. Coppa F. A Brief History of Media Fandom. Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet. Ed. by K. Hellekson, K. Busse. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006. P. 41–59.
26. Coppa F. Fuck yeah, fandom is beautiful. Journal of Fandom Studies. 2014. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 73–82. DOI: 10.1386/jfs.2.1.73_1
27. Couldry N., Hepp A. The Mediated Construction of Reality. Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2017. 256 p.
28. Cristofari C., Guitton M.J. Aca-fans and fan communities: An operative framework. Journal of Consumer Culture. 2017. Vol. 17. No. 3. P. 713–731. DOI: 10.1177/1469540515623608
29. De Certeau M. The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. 256 p.
30. Dean J., Andrews P. Celebritization from Below: Celebrity, Fandom, and AntiFandom in British Politics. New Political Science. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 3. P. 320– 338. DOI: 10.1080/07393148.2021.1957602
31. Duffett M. Understanding fandom: An introduction to the study of media fan culture. N.Y.: Bloomsbury, 2013369 p. DOI: 10.5040/9781501388354
32. Fandom in the classroom practice. Ed. by K.A. Howell. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2018. 188 p.
33. Fandom, the next generation. Ed. by B. Kies, M. Connor. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2022. 252 p.
34. Fandom: Identities and communities in a mediated world. 2nd ed. Ed. by J. Gray, C. Sandvoss, C.L. Harrington. N.Y.: New York University Press, 2017. 448 p.
35. Fiske J. The Cultural Economy of Fandom. The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media. Ed. by L. Lewis. L.: Routledge, 1992. P. 30–49.
36. Ford S. Fan Studies: Grappling with an ‘Undisciplined’ Discipline. Journal of Fandom Studies. 2014. Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 53–71. DOI: 10.1386/jfs.2.1.53_1
37. Galbraith P. W. Otaku and the struggle for imagination in Japan. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. 336 p. DOI: 10.1515/9781478007012
38. Handbook of research on the impact of fandom in society and consumerism. Ed. by C. Wang. Hershey: IGI Global, 2020. 605 p.
39. Hannell B. Feminist fandom: Media fandom, digital feminisms, and Tumblr. N.Y.: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. 218 p. DOI: 10.5040/9798765101797
40. Hills M. From Fan Culture/Community to the Fan World: Possible Pathways and Ways of Having Done Fandom. Palabra Clave. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 856–883. DOI: 10.5294/pa-cla.2017.20.4.2
41. Jancovich M. Cult fictions: cult movies, subcultural capital, and the production of cultural distinction. Cultural Studies. 2002. Vol. 16. No. 2. P. 306–322. DOI: 10.1080/09502380110107607
42. Jenkins H. Fandom, Negotiation, and Participatory Culture. A companion to media fandom and fan studies. Ed. by P. Booth. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2018. P. 13–26. DOI: 10.1002/9781119237211.ch1
43. Jenkins H. Textual poachers: Television fans and participatory culture. N.Y., L.: Routledge, 1992 [2005]. 354 p.
44. Jenkins H. Fans, bloggers, and gamers: Exploring participatory culture. N.Y.: New York University Press, 2006. 279 p.
45. Lamerichs N. Productive fandom: Intermediality and affective reception in fan cultures. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018. 244 p.
46. Linden H., Linden S. Fans and fan cultures. L.: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017. 234 p. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-50129-5
47. Marshall A. Our stories, our selves: Star Wars fanfictions as feminist counterpublic discourses in digital imaginaria. Journal of Fandom Studies. 2020. Vol. 8. No. 3. P. 277–288. DOI: 10.1386/jfs_00024_1
48. Mueller H. The politics of fandom: Conflicts that divide communities. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2022. 223 p.
49. Penley C. Feminism, Psychoanalysis and the Study of Popular Culture. Cultural Studies. Ed. by L. Grossberg, C. Nelson, P. Treichler. N.Y., L.: Routledge, 1992. P. 479–501.
50. Public relations and online engagement: Audiences, fandom and influencers. Ed. by A.L. Hutchins, N.T.J. Tindall. N.Y., L.: Routledge, 2021. 88 p.
51. Samutina N. Emotional landscapes of reading: fan fiction in the context of contemporary reading practices. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 253–269. DOI: 10.1177/1367877916628
52. Stanfill M. Exploiting fandom: How the media industry seeks to manipulate fans. Iowa: University of Iowa Press, 2019. 262 p.
53. Stanfill M. Introduction: The Reactionary in the Fan and the Fan in the Reactionary. Television & New Media. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 123–134. DOI: 10.1177/1527476419879912
54. Stepanov B. “If I forget anything at all, it’s unlikely the stars will accept us …”: sci-fi fan communities, post-Soviet nostalgia and contemporary cinematic experience. Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema. 2021. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 70–90. DOI: 10.1080/17503132.2020.1871191
55. The Adoring audience: Fan culture and popular media. Ed. by L.A. Lewis. L.: Routledge, 1992. 256 p.
56. The Ashgate research companion to fan cultures. Ed. by L. Duits, K. Zwaan, S. Reijnders. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2014. 320 p.
57. The fanfiction reader: Folk tales for the digital age. Ed. by F. Coppa. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2017. 304 p.
58. The Korean Wave: Evolution, fandom, and transnationality. Ed. by T.-J. Yoon, D.Y. Jin. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017. 300 p.
59. The Routledge companion to media fandom. Ed. by S. Scott, M.A. Click. L.: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. 480 p.
60. Williams R. Theme park fandom: Spatial transmedia, materiality and participatory cultures. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 260 p. DOI: 10.5117/9789462982574
61. Yodovich N. Women negotiating feminism and science fiction fandom: The case of the “good” fan. Berlin: Springer International Publ., 2022. 192 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-04079-5

Поступила: 20.02.2024
Опубликована: 24.06.2024
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