Становление американских электоральных исследований: Пол Лазарсфельд и «Выбор народа»
Докторов Б.З. Элмо Роупер: исследователь рынка, поллстер, общественный деятель // «Телескоп»: наблюдения за повседневной жизнью петербуржцев. 2004. № 3. С. 25-37.
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Fullerton R.A. An Historic Analysis of Advertising’s Role in Consumer Decision-making: Paul F. Lazarsfeld’s European Research //Advances in Consumer Research. 1999. Vol. 26. No. 1. P. 498-503.
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Lazarsfeld P.F. An Episode in the History of Social Research // The Intellectual Migration: Europe and America, 1930-1960 / Ed. by D. Fleming, B. Bailyn. Cambridge,
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Morrison D. Paul Lazarsfeld: The Biography of an Institutional Innovator. PhD Thesis.
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Morrison D. The Search for a Method: Focus Groups and the Development of Mass Communication Research. New Barnet, UK: John Libbey Publishing, 1998.
Neurath P. Paul F. Lazarsfeld and the Institutionalization of Empirical Social Research // An Introduction to Social Research / Ed. by R.B. Smith. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, 1983. P. 365-382.
Pasanella A. The Mind Traveler: A Guide to Paul F. Lazarsfeld’s Communication Research Papers. New York: Freedom Forum Media Studies Center, 1994.
Pooley J.D. Mnemonic Multiples: The Case of the Columbia Panel Studies // Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. 2015. Vol. 51. No. 1. P. 10-30. DOI: 10.1002/jhbs.21698
Rossi P. Four Landmarks in Voting Research // American Voting Behavior / Ed. by E. Burdick, A.J. Brodbeck. Glencoe, IL: Free Press. 1959. P. 5-54.
Rowland A., Simonson P. The Founding Mothers of Communication Research: Toward a History of a Gendered Assemblage // Critical Studies in Media Communication. 2014.
Vol. 31. No. 1. P. 3-26. DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2013.849355
Sully M.A. Political Parties and Elections in Austria. London: Hurst, 1981.
The People’s Choice: Life Survey Discloses Why People Voted as They Did in This Week’s Election // Life. November 11. 1940. P. 95-103.
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